Sunday, November 27, 2005

Today is Sunday. Quiet day. paper.....
visit to PriceLess drug store......great that store....

I am starting to read another book.....Lindell is loaning me
A Million Little Pieces. So far this is a great read! I am so in the beginning.....but a great read. She loved it and let another co-worker read it and now me.

Four whole days off.....gotta go back to work. It's all good. I am happy I like my work...........Get to deal with consumer's complaints about their visit to their beauty / nail shop. ....drives me crazy..........they complain about getting fungus but they go their all the time! How dumb is that?

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Flea Market

Went to flea market today for a quickie trip to get me a new suitcase. Audrey took my two when she left for Hawaii. Fine with me. Didn't like them too much LOL!!!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving! A day of ....many reasons......thanks, rest, family.....
Audrey with husband are cooking their first turkey. How cute..........miss her.............
Not visiting family this year. Staying home and staying away from traffic. Cooking a turkey and the fixings. Made a pumpkin pie. Watching the parade. Woke up at 4:00am!!! yikes.
Ready for a nap (geesh, it's only 11:20am)..............

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Open your Heart and you will live a happier life.

I have witnessed at least two people with somewhat similar family happings and yet the end result of their hearts are so different.
Mike and I have a family member (in the cousin branch).....their daughter was young (18 appx) when she became pregnant from a man of another race. She gave birth to a child. The father would not accept this child or his daughter. She then gave birth to yet another child from same man. This father could not open his with what God has dealt him and thus he is so unhappy. His wife has chosen to accept and love her daughter and grandbabies. Her heart is happy. His heart is not happy. He chose not accept and love daughter and grandbabies.

I work with a gal whose daughter also gave birth at appx. same age out of wedlock to a lovely boy from a young man of another race. They are together, unlike the other young mother. This second young mother is also about to give birth to another child (girl!) in March to same young father. The difference of hearts. The second young mother's mother is full of love and happiness and acceptance of her daughter's children. She is full of joy....the daughter is happy (works with mom at my work).

I hope to learn from these people. I hope to have an open heart. I want to live my short life on this world with joy in my heart and full of happiness. God bless the person that has an open heart and accepts what life has plopped in their lap.


Back at you, Webchyck! HEE! LOL

Love you!!!, just not in a lesbian way.


Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Mike got an invite from brother to drive to San Jose (a GOOD 2 hour drive) to see the Shark's Ice Hockey team play. Guess Mark got some free tickets and invited Mike, his older son and a co-worker. Have to wait for son to get out of school and then head on to the Bay Area--- 3:30 leaving Sacramento!!! Commute !!! ug. Reckon the game will start at 7:30, will get home pretty darn late.

I asked to get off an hour early....(4pm)....had Neil pick me up....went to bank to get a new PIN number for my ATM card then .....Neil wanted to get some groceries to make some smashed potatoes and some french bread he saw a tv chef cook. How cute! So we stopped at grocery store, got the needed items (that he so neatly wrote on a piece of paper)...
We got home and I did not have to do a thing.....He cooked the potatoes and all. (had some chicken with it all). yum. Good job son! You are the best. What a nice treat.

Tomorrow, get to go out to lunch at work to say goodbye to yet another co-worker jumping ship.

Today, Mike told his mom (after asking her last week if they wanted to come HERE for Thanksgiving, or if not, could we go there and make the food )....."nah...let's just see each other in December"....was her reply. Well, yesterday, she calls and says "daughter will be cooking, come on over!" "Nah", says Mike, "let's just see one another in December". heeeeee
Free day to relax and do whatever we want. See a a parade.........woo hoo......
whatever we want to do! I wonder if I will find something worthy of me getting up at 4:30 to get in line to buy on Friday......hummmmmmmmm

Friday, November 11, 2005


meteor caught on tape
This is so cool.

Check this site out.............Like to shop day after Thanksgiving?
I am going to just try and NOT shop. I don't want to get sucked into the shopping frenzy that stores WANT us to get sucked into..............and I will try my hardest to avoid ads and shopping. We will see how my willpower is.........


up early --- too early for many
catch bus...relax and read.....
catch next bus....wild and crazy driver - fun ride....
arrive at work building....but just before I arrive I pass by some fellow walkers...and this young female felt that by the look of my face that I needed to smile! as we pass by one another I hear her gently say "smile".........excuse me? how dare you tell me to smile. If you knew my father--and I take after him, you would know that this facial expression I have is simply in "relax mode" and I am not purposely scowling!!! I am just relaxing! I want to turn around and cuss her out that how dare she think that I am going to blindly smile and act how she wants! I am in defense mode walking the streets. Did she not get the e-mail from her work to be more aware around our work building? Did she not hear about certain people trying to get into people's cars? I am in defense-mode...........I will start smiling away once I get inside and chit chat with people I know dare she!!! - okay, maybe I will try and be not so grim looking............heee
get a fat free white mocha ---yum!!!
free bagel, thanks to co-worker!
work........enjoy......enjoy co-workers........Shannon -makes me laugh.
lunch paper..........comics (love my comics)
more work.........
off at 5pm......walk to light rail....wait...
sit down....listen to conversations..........
light rail driver announces like she is a wannabe Disney tram rider....makes me smile....
arrive at end of the line........
instead of hopping on bus I walk to Wendy's and meet my son....get home.
Watch Truman on DVD with son............relax.........

Saturday, November 05, 2005


I bought a book! I am not much for book reading. My tv usually is my entertainment. But now that I am commuting to and from work via bus and community light rail, I better start putting the time to good use. You remember Teri Garr!?!?.....she was in Mr. Mom (Michael Keaton) and Close Encounters....remember? Of course you do. In 2002 she announced she had multiple sclerosis. I hope it will be an interesting read.

I also purchased my ticket to visit Hawaii and see daughter and new son-in-law! It will be for 3 weeks. I sure hope I will be a good guest. I remember way back when....when I had audrey 20 years ago and my dad would come out to visit me about once or twice a year. (My mother passed away when I was 3 months pregnant with Audrey). I would so look forward to his visit. But by the end of the first week, I was ready to buy his ticket back home. I cannot remember why exactly....I mean come on....20 years! YOU remember why and how you felt 20 years ago? haha.....well , I just hope I will be a good guest and not be too much of a buttinsky....not too much. LOL! I hope to repress my innermost feelings and not tell them their toaster really should be on the left side of the kitchen rather than where it is.........or how come they fold their towels this way rather than that way. I suppose I will just be thrilled to see audrey FOLD anything. I never knew she COULD fold a towel. Okay, there I go..........gotta stop those feelings..............repress.......respress.........respress..............

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Missing a co-worker

Margie. She was with our unit at work for 5 1/2 years. Today was her last day. Our work is moving to another location here in Sacramento. This location is further away for quite a lot of workers. Several are beginning to find new agency's that are not so far from their home. We had lunch at Chevy's. I will miss her terribly. I remember when we discovered we both graduated in 1974 (different schools, of course). We had a 'bond'. She has been with the state for many more years than I. She was at a higher clerical level. I've learned (I hope) from her. I will miss her sharing such interesting vacations. She got to stay at the Bellagio in the biggest suite there! She had some terrific stories to share of her travels.
Good luck, Margie.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Took some time off

I just knew I should have not gone in to work. What day is it? Oh yes, I felt "this way" a month ago. Gee wiz. I am just too old to have to go thru this! I am 49! I do not need to be fertile anymore! Just take "it" away and I will be fine! Just say: "It's over".........and you will have made my day. Oh well. Reality does not work that way. Since I have hundreds of sick hours in the "bank", I chose to take off at noon. Walked to light rail, got on...and headed to the end of the line and then waited for about 20 minutes for the bus to take me home. Took a nice little nap!
Feeling much better. Well, not really, but .............I am home and not at work. I never take any sick days, so I deserve to take a few hours now and then. I took 5 of them today.